Tuesday 11 May 2010

Scottish Wildcats are in danger of disappearing...

I have recently become a proud member of the Scottish Wildcat Association, which is "dedicated to protecting and conserving of Britain's only remaining wild feline; the Scottish wildcat". There are only 400 pure wildcats remaining in the wild and their extinction can become a reality in the next five years.

These cats look very similar to their domestic cousins, but they are completely untamable predators, even if reared in captivity. These cats are also called the 'Tiger of The Highlands'.

The association leads a number of campaigns to protect these amazing creatures through fieldwork, scientific research and fundraising for the breeding programme, education and awareness. To read more, please visit http://www.scottishwildcats.co.uk/

photo courtesy of Astrida Plenty at www.flickr.com/photos/bigbird3/4408769922/

I am donating 5% off each piece of Lilia N Designs jewelry for this worthy cause. Please visit http://www.liliandesigns.etsy.com and http://www.notonthehighstreet.com/liliandesigns to view my designs.


  1. Wow- these cats are amazing-looking! I have a purebread maine coon and he looks quite the beast, as well. :D

  2. They are amazing! And totally wild, they live on the plains and in forests in Scotland. :-)



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